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PgAdmin 4 docker

PgAdmin 4 docker

PgAdmin 4 docker

PgAdmin 4 docker container has exposed port 80 and 443 by default. You can check the Dockerfile here

So the port mapping parameter in the command has to be updated (-p host_port: container_port)

Below is the updated command to access pgadmin4 via http (port 80)

docker run -p 5050:80 -e "" -e "PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=a12345678" -d  dpage/pgadmin4

After starting the container you should be able to access it via http://localhost:5050

Adding docker db server

We will need to look for the IP address of the PostgreSQL container on our host, you can run this command for it:

docker inspect dev-postgres -f "{{json .NetworkSettings.Networks }}"
docker inspect return low-level information of Docker objects, in this case, the ‘dev-postgres’ instance’s IP Adress. The -f parameter is to format the output as a JSON given a Go template. The output should look like this:

Copy the IPAddress value into the clipboard, which is in my case, you will need to define the connection in the pgAdmin tool.