Access value in Spring Boot

Access value in Spring Boot

Spring-boot allows us several methods to provide externalized configurations , you can try using application.yml or yaml files instead of the property file and provide different property files setup according to different environments.

We can separate out the properties for each environment into separate yml files under separate spring profiles.Then during deployment you can use :

java -jar -Drun.profiles=SpringProfileName 

to specify which spring profile to use.Note that the yml files should be name like


for them to be automatically taken up by springboot.

Reference :

To read from the application.yml or property file :

The easiest way to read a value from the property file or yml is to use the spring @value annotation.Spring automatically loads all values from the yml to the spring environment , so we can directly use those values from the environment like :

public class MySampleBean {

private String sampleName;


Or another method that spring provides to read strongly typed beans is as follows:

        username: admin 

Corresponding POJO to read the yml :

public class YmcaProperties {
    private InetAddress remoteAddress;
    private final Security security = new Security();
    public boolean isEnabled() { ... }
    public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { ... }
    public InetAddress getRemoteAddress() { ... }
    public void setRemoteAddress(InetAddress remoteAddress) { ... }
    public Security getSecurity() { ... }
    public static class Security {
        private String username;
        private String password;
        public String getUsername() { ... }
        public void setUsername(String username) { ... }
        public String getPassword() { ... }
        public void setPassword(String password) { ... }

The above method works well with yml files.
