Checksum verify with GtkHash
Checksum verify with GtkHash
Checksum verify with GtkHash
GtkHash is a desktop utility for computing message digests or checksums. Most well-known hash functions are supported, including MD5, SHA1, SHA2 (SHA256/SHA512), SHA3 and BLAKE2.
It's designed to be an easy to use, graphical alternative to command-line tools such as md5sum.
Install as snap
sudo snap install gtkhash
File manager extension
Adds a Hash feature to File Properties in:
- Caja (MATE)
- Nautilus (GNOME)
- Nemo (Cinnamon)
- Peony (UKUI)
- Thunar (Xfce)
Install Nemo extension:
sudo apt install nemo-gtkhash

Nemo actions
Add gtkhash-verifi.nemo_action
to /usr/share/nemo/actions
[Nemo Action]
Name=Verify checksum
Name[uk]=Перевірити контрольну суму
Comment=Check the checksum of the file
Exec=gtkhash '%F'
Right-click menu: